We've compiled a database of thousands of local housing authority offices. If you're looking for subsidized housing, cheap apartments, or affordable housing, we can help you find a local office that will determine if you qualify for some help. Simply s
Maine State Housing AuthorityMaine HousingMaine State Housing Authority. 2013 Annual Report. Maine State Housing Authority, 2014.
Maine State Housing Authority Board Stalls Decision on Whether to Revoke Subsidies for Medical Marijuana UsersAUGUSTA, Maine -- A lack of federal guidance on the use ofmedical marijuana in federally...Cousins, Christopher
S&P Downgrades Maine Agencies' Outstanding Debt. The article reports that Standard and Poor's Corp. downgraded its underlying rating on the Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority's moral obligation debt to A-minus from A. It also changed its underlying rating on the M......
MaineHousing Mismanaged, Had Lax Oversight of Section 8 Program, Federal Audit FindsAUGUSTA, Maine -- The Maine State Housing Authority failed toprovide adequate oversight of its...Richardson, Whit
The October 2023State of Maine Housing Production Needs Studyfound that Maine households need to make over $100,000 annually in order to afford the median home price. The study, which was overseen by the Maine State Housing Authority and Gov. Janet Mills’ Office of Policy Inn...
or family violence. The authority may terminate the tenancy of the perpetrator of the violence. La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §46:2136 – If a victim of domestic violence is awarded temporary custody of minor children (born of both victim and abuser), a judge may grant possession of housing to ...
of other community service-based programs, includingMaine State Housing Authority,Penquis,Adoptive and Foster Families of Maine,The Bangor Area Homeless Shelter,Feeding Bangor Food CupboardandAcadia Healthcare. Olsen hopes that furniture banks will one day reach the level of outreach as food pantrie...
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority provides struggling consumers with resources to purchase their own home. Learn about the services available and the benefits of using the authority's help. What is the Michigan State Housing Development Authority? Cindy has been down on her luck. She...
Happily the Local Authority are able to remedy the problem. After some residents on the estate, who were visited by Bury South MP Ivan Lewis, called for the properties to be “condemned”, the Council agreed to invest £2 million to bring the homes up to standard. A total of 90 social...