Montgomery County, Md., Housing Debt Upgraded.Newman, Emily
And in Montgomery County, Md., the public housing agency has for the last decade been buying existing condominiums for use as public housing units. “It’s terrific,” said spokeswoman Joyce Siegel. “The whole country is looking at it.” Los Angeles housing officials, meanwhile, say they be...
London (Greater London Authority or inside the unaffordable… Green Belt) was the second least affordable, with a Median Multiple of 7.1, followed by the London Exurbs (outside the Green Belt) at 6.7. The least unaffordable markets were seriously unaffordable Middlesborough and Durham (4.4), ...
Housing policy is school policy: Economically integrative housing promotes academic success in Montgomery County, Maryland. In The Future of School Integration: Socioeconomic Diversity as an Education Reform strategy; Kahlenberg, R.D., Ed.; Century Foundation Press: New York, NY, USA, 2012; pp. ...