Brunswick Housing Authority Eyeing Daniel Stone Inn for Possible Senior ResidenceBRUNSWICK, Maine -- For years, different owners have struggled tomake the Capt. Daniel Stone Inn...Brogan, Beth
SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — The Georgia Ports Authority will donate $6 million in coming years to improve affordable housing options in Savannah and neighboring communities, officials said Tuesday.
Trust fund to help homeless in midcoast ; The redevelopment authority in Brunswick OKs the $650,000 plan with Tedford Housing.DENNIS HOEY Staff Writer
In response, many cities viewed ADUs as a threat to autonomy and adopted ADU prohibitions or zoning restrictions in order to claw back authority [144]. Due to the 2002 revision of state law, many cities began counting potential ADUs towards low-income housing needs, but CAHCD's approval of...