2006, West Sussex, England: Wiley Chapter Google Scholar Efron B TR: An Introduction to the Bootstrap. 1998, Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC Google Scholar Sackoff JE, Hanna DB, Pfeiffer MR, Torian LV: Causes of death among persons with AIDS in the era of highly active antiretroviral ...
Although housing privatisation in the latter countries tends to have more facets (e.g. stock transfer to private non-profit housing associations), the sale of public dwellings to sitting tenants has surely been a significant trait of housing system change in Western societies. The sale of public...
Steven Bennett has over 15 years' experience in local authorities and housing associations. While his spiritual home will always be in housing management, he has project managed the largest transformational, technological and cultural change at West Kent. Claire Davidson has 12 years' experience in ...
On 17 June 2021, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted a Bill on Long-term Care. This legislative activity also raised the question of the existence and effectiveness of a legal environment to promote social infrastructure development for ho