Where They Stand Today: Ahead of the season 2 reunion, Jen said on RHOSLC that she thought Meredith had something to do with her being arrested. The Chicago native, for her part, denied any involvement in Jen's arrest but she questioned why her former friend chose to keep filming ...
Itsoutofmyhands 如果你宽限一下也未尝不可 Yeah,itdstillbeniceifyougavehimagraceperiod. 我已经够宽限了 Oh,Imbeingnice 我本可以让人逮捕他的 Icouldhavehimarrested 别误会 Imean,dontgetmewrong. 我完全赞成朱莉和卡尔在一起 IamallforJuliespendingtimewithKarl 毕竟他是她爸爸 Heisstillherdad, 她也爱他...
I try to steer clear of Utah.没 我尽量离犹他州远点 234--Its a little too conservative for me.那地方对我来说太保守了 235--Too bad. Have you ever been, Paul?真可惜 你去过吗 保罗 236--No.没有 237--Its lovely. I used to live there when I was a nurse.那很美 我做护士的时候在...
thatIwasntawareof. 布里察觉了 WhileBreedetectedfeelings 她未知的感觉 shedneverknown. 你胆敢靠近她10步以内 Youcomewithin10feetofher, 我就报hearts;警hearts;抓你现在滚吧 Iwillhaveyouarrested.Nowgetout. 苏珊发现有的人… Susandiscoveredsomething... 扎克是你儿子对吗 Zachisyourson,isnthe? 距家过近 ...
Where They Stand Today: Ahead of the season 2 reunion, Jen said on RHOSLC that she thought Meredith had something to do with her being arrested. The Chicago native, for her part, denied any involvement in Jen's arrest but she questioned why her former friend chose to keep filming amid ...
Youvearrestedthewrongman? 你想怎么样 Whatareyouthinking? 警hearts;察hearts;应该知道真hearts;相hearts; Thepoliceneedtoknowthetruth. 去他妈的警hearts;察hearts;这是我们的机会 Thehelltheydo!Thisisourchance 我们是好人 Wearegoodpeople. 不能眼睁睁地看着无辜的人蒙冤入狱 Wecantletaninnocentmangotojail 好...
Carlos:Im on house arrest.Its a condition of my bail. Gabrielle:How will you work? Carlos:I cant. I cant do anything. Mary Alice Voiceover:The tables were turned, Felicia: Lord, thats Angela. Mary Alice Voiceover: and secrets from the past... Paul: Im afraid youre mistaken. My wifes...