In 2010, she was cast in the sixth installment of Bravo's highly successful "Real Housewives" series of reality TV shows, "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" (Bravo, 2010-). This led to other instances of Richards playing herself on TV, on such shows as "Betty White's ...
When one of Leah’s fans asked if the rumor about her joining the cast ofThe Real Housewives of Beverly Hillswas true (“please say it’s true), Leah replied: “zero conversations have been had about this. They don’t want none of me I’m sure! Lol.” Leah’s fans agree that...
《比弗利娇妻 第一季 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 1》于2010-10-14(美国)上映。由Scott Dunlop, Alex Baskin, Kathleen French担任主编, 演员丽莎·范德普, 凯尔·理查兹, 金·理查兹等主演的《比弗利娇妻 第一季 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 1》是一部家庭, 真人秀类型电影。
In 2010, she was cast in the sixth installment of Bravo's highly successful "Real Housewives" series of reality TV shows, "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" (Bravo, 2010-). This led to other instances of Richards playing herself on TV, on such shows as "Betty White's ...