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Houses dataset 房屋价格数据集,用于数据预测这是一个包含视觉和文本信息的房价基准数据集。每个房子都由卧室、浴室、厨房和房子的正面图像的四个图像代表。这是第一个包含用建筑 智慧城市 公开数据集
This dataset is used for predicting house prices from both images and textual information. It is composed of 535 sample houses from California, USA.
Survey of Houses and Servants Dataset 1950-1986Elliott, Kevin
The number of houses (22) was the second-largest where the largest one had a sampling rate of 1Hz. The ENERTALK dataset is also the first Korean open dataset on residential electricity consumption.doi:10.1038/s41597-019-0212-5Changho Shin...
A major challenge in the common approach of hot water generation in residential houses lies in the highly stochastic nature of domestic hot water (DHW) demand. Learning hot water use behavior enables water heating systems to continuously adapt to the stochastic demand and reduce energy consumption....
Generation of a reference dataset with twenty low-income single-family houses in Fortaleza, Brazil and thermal discomfort assessmentJean M. ParenteEugénio RodriguesMarco S. FernandesBárbara CarvalhoJoo Poas MartinsEnergy for Sustainability International Conference 2019: Designing a Sustainable Future, Turin...
person Top Contributors Detail Viewkeyboard_arrow_up Views Last month Your browser does not support charts× Downloads Last month No data code Related NotebooksSee all Cleaned dataset of Gurugram realestate more_vert Updated a month ago Flats/Houses Gurgaon dataset arrow_drop_up1 ...
To this end, we publish the iHomeLab RAPT dataset consisting of electrical power traces from five houses in the greater Lucerne region in Switzerland spanning a period from 1.5 up to 3.5 years with a sampling frequency of five minutes. For each house, the electrical energy consumption of the...