Crockham House, Kent A house that is believed to have been built in the 15th century, with additions from later centuries. Many of its original features remain, and so you could imagine that its famous past visitors may recognise the house as we see it today. The garden itself was design...
Even now, with a car, it is trek to get there, but there are still lots of houses there, with amazing views over the cliffs. One of the most significant pieces of information was that children living in these crofts would usually not visit Portree, a 25 mile walk, until they were 12...
The Jewishness of these places resided not in a defining ‘look’ or common style but was the result of particular human relationships. Through the acquisition of country houses, wealthy Jews asserted their right to own land and live on equal terms with their aristocratic neighbours; here, they...
with the proceeds of sale going towards the war effort. The Romans also used auctions to liquidate the assets of debtors whose property had been confiscated. For example, Marcus Aurelius sold household furniture to pay off debts, the sales lasting for months. One of the most significant historic...
Ashford, Kent. In 1954, Colt timber houses, manufactured by Colt at the company's factory in the Kentish Weald had been sold since 1930. By 1954 ColtTimber-Frame Houses had been under production for 30 years. The company described their homes as: "... they must not be considered as ...