According to date and time planets are placed in one of the 12 houses in birth horoscope and planets based on there mooltrikona, exaltation or friendly sign becomes benefic or malefic. Then according to PAC (Placement, Aspect, Conjunction) they become benefic or malefic in particular houses....
See also the classic Cafe Astrology Free Reports site, including full interpretations of the natal chart, transits, and compatibility. The interpretations in this birth chart report are written by myself, Annie Heese, and are typically expanded or edited interpretations already found on this site, ...
On this page, you’ll find interpretations of the placement of Jupiter in the twelve houses of the natal (birth) chart. Jupiter’s position by house in the natal chart (that is, the house that Jupiter occupies in the birth chart) reveals where we express our generosity and tolerance. It...
The1st houseis the beginning of your chart and will always be on the left side just below that horizontal line dividing the top and bottom. This house represents the Eastern horizon at the moment of your birth. The zodiac sign that's connected to your 1st house is the one that was emerg...
Whether or not there are intercepted signs in a chart depends on various factors: a) the latitude of the birth place: the closer to the poles, the more likely it becomes that there are extremely large houses with intercepted signs.
Astrology 12 Houses prediction and result are the key to learn astrology. Once birth chart is calculated, an astrologer goes through each of the houses to to know respective aspects of life
Do you have all 12 houses in your birth chart? At the moment you were born, the planets were all in specific signs and houses. When an astrologer interprets yourchart, she blends the meaning of each planet, the house it’s in, and the sign it’s in, to map the obstacles or gifts...
How to use the Tarot,journaling, reflection, meditation, etc. to help you understand what the emphasize on a particular house means. Your natal birth chart can tell you a lot about the specific issues you deal with in life, as well as what areas are of particular significance to you.Your...
On this page, you’ll find interpretations of the placement of Mars in the twelve houses of the natal (birth) chart. Don’t know the house position of your Mars? Find out how you can get your astrology chart positions free with oursimple steps. Or, calculate your birth chart and receive...
Updated on 08/16/18 YourSun’s signis significant, and so is the house where it shines those very particular traits. Your Sun’s house is a leading guide to your main life purpose. Discover your own Sun'shouseposition by looking at thebirth chart.Here are some ways the Sun in the tw...