Tennessee: The Hermitage President Andrew Jackson and his wife, Rachel, livedon the Hermitage estateand are both buried here. Rachel predeceased America’s seventh President, and he was known to visit her grave, speaking to her as he smoked cigars. To this day, visitors claim to smell cigar...
Lemp Haunted House in St. Louis, Missouri 172519 Views Go deep underground where NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM inside the Lemp Haunted House. The Lemp Haunted House is the scariest REAL haunted house in America in real caves and caverns. Go deep underground in real caves deep under the old ...
Also in Oregon: The Watzek House, built in 1935, is a modern home that is clearly years ahead of its time, stylistically.Utah - The Beehive House Located in Salt Lake City, this home was built in 1854 for Mormon leader Brigham Young. This house is uniquely named...
Also in Oregon: The Watzek House, built in 1935, is a modern home that is clearly years ahead of its time, stylistically.Utah - The Beehive House Located in Salt Lake City, this home was built in 1854 for Mormon leader Brigham Young. This house is un...
Donelson-Hermitage-Old Hickory houses for rent River Oaks houses for rent Montrose houses for rent Popular rental markets in Texas Apartments Houses Austin apartments for rent Dallas apartments for rent Houston apartments for rent San Antonio apartments for rent Frisco apartments for rent Plano apartment...
Donelson-Hermitage-Old Hickoryhouses for rent River Oakshouses for rent Montrosehouses for rent Popular rental markets in Texas Apartments Houses Austinapartments for rent Dallasapartments for rent Houstonapartments for rent San Antonioapartments for rent ...
The most famous cluster was under Holy Austin Rock, which at one time served as a hermitage. The last cave dwellers moved out in the 1950s, but the site is preserved by the National Trust, which has restored some of the cave houses to the Victorian period. Some observers have wondered...
Cave homes offer green benefits in natural insulation and materials, and they can be surprisingly comfortable and cozy. Check out these contemporary cave dwellings from around the world.