Nielsen TR and Drivsholm C: (2010) "Energy efficient demand controlled ventilation in single family houses", Energy and Buildings. 42, pp1995- 1998.Toke Rammer Nielsena,,Christian Drivsholmb.Energy efficient demand controlled ventilation in single family houses. Energy and Build . 2010...
11-year-old student in the floating school.In the past,when the flood season came,it was difficult (8) for her to get to school.It usually took her about two hours (9) to walk(walk) there."Many of my classmates couldn't go to school because of the floods.We we...
Halloween falls on October 31st.It is one of the most favourite holidays for children in the USA.People dress up in costumes(化妆服装)like a witch(巫婆), a ghost(鬼)or a skeleton(骷髅).The children go to houses to say“Trick or treat!”Long ago, if a child was not good, he or ...
While studies have examined the price premium of locational and neighborhood environmental features for houses in general, little is known about how and to what extent these features influence the rents of small urban houses. We estimate and compare conventional and spatial hedonic price models (HP...
The following greenhouse scenarios were simulated: partially insulating the walls, partially burying the greenhouse below the ground level, reducing the inside setpoint temperature, and using an air–soil heat exchanger (ASHE) or a ground-coupled heat pump (GCHP). The heat exchangers for the last...
reent ttyypes oof ggllaass ggrreeeenhouses (Veennlloo aanndd aassyymmmmeettrriiccaall)) wwiitthhtthheeggooaallooffmmooddeelliinnggmmiiccrroocclliimmaattee.. 1.2. Normative Context and Photovoltaic Energy Policy in Spain 11..22.. NNoorrmmaattiivvee CCoonntteexxtt aanndd PPhhoottoovvoollt...