But even with his risks, you could find a good deal on your next rental through Craigslist. If you are looking for a privately owned home for rent, your chances will increase on Craiglist. Facebook Marketplace You may not have consideredFacebook Marketplacewhen looking for where to find h...
A family commissioned the aforementioned firm, Baumraum, to create a treehouse for their son and his friends and the Baumhausbesucher treehouse was the final product. Near the Saxon town of Uslar, this narrow, stilted treehouse is quaintly cloaked by a thick stint of hemlocks and the entire u...
Facebook will flag posts that offer animals for sale. Not Craigslist. This rabbit appears to be of the indoor/outdoor variety and comes with everything you need. We also spotted a couple of random roosters that are looking for new homes. Three Barrels, Minus the Monkeys Credit: Craigslist ...