Houses and other buildings lay in ruins for lack of construction materials, while inadequate power supply was affecting [...] 由于缺乏建筑材料,房屋和其他建筑 物成 为废 墟,而供电不足影响了整个社会,特别是老年人和 病人。 [...] buildings or dis...
More than 100 years after its Morningside Heights campus was constructed, Union Theological Seminary has used the proceeds from its sale of development and air rights to finance a multi-million-dollar renovation. The resulting condominium is the tallest building in Morningside ...
【题目】When I was in Chengdu, I sawtahouses everywnere on the strees.Thereis a saying "China has the besteahcus in te world and Chengdu hasthe hes teahouses in China."The servicei the teahouses i realiyficndy When yougoino a eahousthewatrs or watesses(女服务员) greetyou with ...
My name is Wellta, I was born in Phuket and I select houses for rent/sale I see on the street, here on Phuket. Maybe I can help you to find a house on my beautiful island.
The application of this term to coffee was a simple step: just as wine removes one’s desire for food, so coffee removes one’s desire for sleep.” “One may also consider the happy coincidence of the word qahwa with the place name Kaffa, a region in Ethiopia. It is possible that ...
hall and bedroom, the instrument was arranged in the center of the room, 1 m from the ground; every hour the instrument automatically collected a set of data, and the measured meteorological parameters included the air temperature (Ta), relative humidity (RH), and black ball temperature (Tg)...
Concerns about this imbalance in housing supply have led policymakers to provide incentives for increasing the number of new small urban houses. Consequently, the Urban Residential Housing (URH) program was introduced in the Housing Act in May 2009. It aims to address the shortage of small urban...
在寻找乡间豪华旅馆? 对于渴望摆脱噪音和快节奏城市生活的旅友来说,乡间豪华旅馆是理想的选择。乡间豪华旅馆通常是私人住宅,位于宁静的乡村,一般会提供公用设施和餐点。有些住宿还提供活动安排,如徒步旅行、观鸟和骑行等。 搜索East Tawas的乡间豪华旅馆上线我的住宿 手机版视图 您的帐户 在线修改订单 客服帮助...
aCarving was done in three media: wood, bone, and stone. Arguably ta moko was another form of carving. Wood carvings were used to decorate houses, fencepoles, containers, taiaha and other objects. The most popular type of stone used in carving was pounamu (greenstone), a form of jade,...
1.2. Normative Context and Photovoltaic Energy Policy in Spain 11..22.. NNoorrmmaattiivvee CCoonntteexxtt aanndd PPhhoottoovvoollttaaiicc EEnneerrggyy PPoolliiccyyiinnSSppaaiinn In the last decade, Spain was one of the countries that most actively promoted the generation of electIrInnictith...