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Franklin Mountain House, TexasDesign: hazelbaker rush, Architectsphotograph : Casey DunnFranklin Mountain House in El Paso Nov 12, 2018Stinson Beach Lagoon House, Marin County, CaliforniaDesign: Turnbull Griffin Haesloop Architectsphotograph : Shaun Sullivan PhotographyStinson Beach Lagoon House in ...
of New York was selected to sell the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s stamp collection. This represented the first of many important landmark ... Hadersbeck Auktion International offer including a large section of lots and collections Harmers International Harmers International Inc ...
Also in South Dakota: The Victorian Pettigrew Home is the residence of Senator Richard Franklin Pettigrew. He aided in the founding of many communities around Sioux Falls.Iowa - American Gothic House Though it may look like any ordinary run-down home, this Am...
Photograph: Courtesy Franklin Castle/J. Klein TheFranklin Castlemansion was built 1881-83 by German immigrant Hannes Tiedemann, who tragically lost his four children. It was later called Eintracht Hall and used for German culture clubs. It wasn't until the 1960s that the then-owners began to ...
Also in South Dakota: The Victorian Pettigrew Home is the residence of Senator Richard Franklin Pettigrew. He aided in the founding of many communities around Sioux Falls.Iowa - American Gothic House Though it may look like any ordinary run-down home, this American Gothi...
115 Uncle_Franklin Fri 26th Jul 2019 I just want Advance Wars. 4 Reply 116 rockodoodle Fri 26th Jul 2019 I have too many unplayed games to even think about getting this. But it looks cool 0 Reply 117 JasmineDragon Fri 26th Jul 2019 Damn, now I have to go out tomorrow and search the...
George Franklin Grant was an impressive man. He was born in Oswego, New York on September 15, 1847. As a teenager he began an apprenticeship with a local dentist which led him to a life of interest in dentistry. In 1867 Grant enrolled at the Harvard Dental School, one of the first han...