And Zhonghai Goya Garden is an existing house, the quality is very good, and about 98 square meters of 3 rooms are excellent, more than enough for three generations, convenient for parents to come and take their children. 而中海戈雅园是现房,品质很好,且约98㎡3房户型优秀,三代同堂绰绰有余,...
Juridico Inmobiliario November 2, 2024 at 1:41 am New property for sale Land Lot TERRENO EN CARRETERA CHALCO AMECA SE VENDE TERRENO CON CONSTRUCCIÓN.Excelente oportunidad de inversión en San Antonio Tlatecahuacán, Tlalmanalco Méx.Ubicado a unos pasos de la carretera federal 115, Chalc...
Building area of approximately 42-82 square meters for apartment types 元和投资大厦售楼处电话:400-9939-964虹口元和投资大厦售楼处电话:400-9939-964项目名称元和投资大厦所属区域虹口区物业类型商业办公类物业公司上海家鸿物业管理有限公司建筑面积约55-102-164-188平交付时间款清交付可售套数6套总价258-768万水...
The value obtained was €0.072/kWh, which does not prove competitive for sale on the wholesale energy market, where daily pool prices are at a much lower price of around €0.05/kWh [56]. On the other hand, in several EU countries there is public aid to promote this type of installation...
A programming laptop is a specialized portable computer tailored for software development tasks. It boasts a powerful processor, ample random access memory (RAM), and a high-resolution display to enhance coding efficiency. With features like a comfortable keyboard and robust build, these laptops cater...
Item for sale details 项目在售详情 The project consists of 6 high-rise residential buildings ranging from 16 to 20F. Phase I of Yizawa Huating is a relocation house built in 2017 and has been delivered for occupancy. 【溢泽华庭】项目由6栋16-20F的高层住宅组成,溢泽华庭一期是2017建成的动迁...
Existing houses are for sale 现房在售 The main building surface of about 98 square meters hardcover 3 rooms 主力建面约98㎡精装3房 The building surface is about 122 square meters 建面约122㎡顶层复式 Central enterprises real estate, payment delivery 央企实景现房,款清交付 The total price is only...
Item for sale details 项目在售详情 The project consists of 6 high-rise residential buildings ranging from 16 to 20F. Phase I of Yizawa Huating is a relocation house built in 2017 and has been delivered for occupancy. 【溢泽华庭】项目由6栋16-20F的高层住宅组成,溢泽华庭一期是2017建成的动迁...