1It would be easy to think that since houseplants live inside,they don’t really experience seasons as do their outdoor relatives. And while it’s true that they are provided with a lot more protection inside, it doesn’t mean they don’t know what’s going on. They do.【小题1】With...
The type of water that is used on houseplants is also very important. This is because a lot of the plants are sensitive to chemicals and salts that can be found in tap water. Therefore, it is best to water your plants with rain water. Kent & Stowe Indoor Watering Cans are great for ...
Every house plant is different and you are the only one that can determine when and how much to water your house plants. Caring for indoor plants every day as a "Plant Lady", I know that the only way to determine if a plant needs water is to check the moisture level in the soil ...
Houseplants anybody can grow.Presents houseplants that anybody can grow, by simply putting them in the right spot and giving them a little water when they need it. Aloe; Aspidistra; Davallia; Pothos 'Marble Queen'; More plants; Phone number and order form for aloe vera plants.Richardson...
The water will also clean off any dust that collects on the leaves. Give them a trim( 修剪). Remove any dead or dying leaves :cut the leaves that are brown or yellow at the base. For brown or yellowing tips, you can just cut off the unhealthy leaves. 4 Be mindful of extreme ...
Over the years, I have had many animals and plants in the same house and have not had too many problems. I always make my best effort to keep all houseplants out of the reach of pets. That can be difficult, especially with cats, as they seem to be able to get just about anywhere ...
Once you've had a plant for a long time, you'll be able to tell when it needs water just by looking at it. Many plants get droopy leaves and stems when it's time for water. You can see that in action in the above photo - typically my golden pothos leaves stand up straight and...
You can see how I sat my new planter in a saucer to catch the extra water. Then I sat that inside a basket. I leave my plants right where they are when I water. I always deep water my plants until I see a little water start to spill into the saucer, then I stop watering. ...
Check to see if your plants are too big in the bottom of the pot. That means you should give the plant a new, larger flower pot. But be sure the flower pots have holes in the bottoms so that water can get out.1. Why do people like houseplants?