Buy less, use things longer and then dispose of them into recycling waste streams. Certainly these are good practices, but they are only the beginning and are not comprehensive by any means. Perhaps the greatest impact we can have in our practice is by changing the way we eat. Keeping in...
Home gardens also provide a number of ecosystem services such as habitats for animals and other beneficial organisms, nutrient recycling, reduced soil erosion, and enhanced pollination [121]. The high density of plants within the home garden provides the ideal environment and refuge for wildlife spec...
Life cycle assessment of end-of-life vehicle recycling processes in China-take corolla taxis for example. J. Clean. Prod. 2016, 117, 176–187. [CrossRef] 4. Wu, T.; Zhao, H.M.; Ou, X.M. Vehicle ownership analysis based on GDP per capita in China: 1963–2050. Sustainability 2014...