Sims 4 Household limit bug?? I'm playing on xbox and have a family of 5 (2 adults 3 children, no pets) and it won't let me try to make a baby and it keeps saying that the household limit has reached max limit, does anyone else have this same issue?? Last time I checked the...
The household limit is 8, so you should be able to have 3 more Sims or pets within this household. Let's try moving this family out of the current lot and back in, or into a new lot instead. Let me know if this clears up this error for you. ...
BUT with that said, I think@IrishMadCat_EAyou could be right, maybe it was the Azalieus family has reached max limit (prior to mods), that's why the option has been grayed out. My apologies I did not think of it from that perspective! 😞 Thanks! P.S. I'm going to remove the...