Veena spends 25% of her monthly income on household expenses. Her annual income is X 4.32 lakh. What is the total amount that Veena spends on household expens
For all percentages and odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were computed. Variance estimates were inflated by a factor of 1.29 (design effect) to account for the deviation of the sample design from a simple random sample of the US population.34 Results Changes in Smoking Restrictions ...
The percentages of applicants by category ranged from 14.1% reporting income of $200 000 or greater to 29.23% reporting income of $75 000-$124 999. Among all matriculants, 18.89% reported income of $200 000 or greater and 29.44% reported income of $75 000-$124 999. The ...
In comparison, studies conducted in Arak and Tehran reported lower percentages of households (60% and 48%, respectively) being aware of the correct methods for storing salt to maintain iodine quality. These findings suggest that a significant proportion of participants in our study demonstrated ...
Education level, age, employment status, household income, and household wealth level have significant effects on the household owning/renting house and/or transitions between home owners and renters. Two mortgage distress indexes are built in this paper, and the empirical results indicate a ...
N represents the number of households, however, some households reported more than one use of the cleared land and as such the reported percentages show the frequency among the responses. In some cases (e.g., age of the household head), N does not add up to 2019, this is because of ...
Values are means ± SEMs or percentages. CAD, Canadian dollars. 2 Household income adjusted for family size by dividing by square root of household size. 3 Includes retirement pensions, Canada Pension Plan/Quebec Pension Plan benefits, Old Age Security/Guaranteed Income Supplement benefits, dividends...
The proportion of the income effect on dental caries explained by HFI was determined by the variation in percentages between the crude prevalence ratio ( PR c) for dental caries and this measure adjusted by HFI ( PR a). Results The prevalence of dental caries was higher among children from ...
Although these percentages are not large, they still have important environmental/ecological sustainability implications. First, China is the world's largest greenhouse gas emitter. Under the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming well below 2 °C by the end of this century, China has pled...
caption="Note: Esimates are for the U.S. civiliannon-institutionalized population. Percentages may not add to exactly100.0 due to rounding. Source: Center for Financing, Access, and CostTrends, AHRQ, Household Component of the Medical Expenditure PanelSurvey, 2013."%>% {paste0(strwrap(.,130...