Greenhouse gas emissions in Hawaii: Household and visitor expenditure analysis [J ]. Energy Economics,2010,32( 2) : 210 - 219.Konan, D. E., H. L. Chan (2010) Greenhouse gas emissions in Hawaii: Household and visitor expenditure analysis. Energy Economics, Volume 32, Issue 1, January ...
Task 1 IELTS: The first chart below shows how energy is used in an average Australian household. The second chart shows the greenhouse gas emissions which result from this energy use. The first chart illustrates the proportions of energy usages in Australian households, ranging from water heating...
The main purpose of this research is to provide new insight for reducing GHG emissions linked to transportation, furthering our knowledge on linkages between urban form and economic constraints, travel behavior, and ability-to-pay of households based on residential choices and property ownership status...
GreenhouseGasEmissionsPurposeType GreenhouseGasEmissionsScope GreenhouseGasSourceType HazardSeverityCategory HealthSafetyTrainingMetricType Household HouseholdIncomeSource HouseholdLocation HouseholdMember HouseholdMemberIncome HouseholdMemberRole HouseholdRelationshipType HouseholdRole HouseholdType HousingUnitType HydrologicFlowSo...
There are 2 pie charts that represent Australian household energy use and Australian household greenhouse gas emissions. The trend for The energy chart indicates... The second chart, pertaining to... shows specific information about... Measurements for both charts are indicated in percentages. Each...
对应原文:also recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions from landfill sites andincineration plants. 答案解析:题干上空与landfill sites并列,因此我们听的时候要注意寻找并列关系。这道题中并没有在这一点上设置障碍,很容易就可以找到答案。其难度主要在incineration这个单词的拼写上。
This paper presents information related to greenhouse gas emissions due to the power consumption of the following household appliances: refrigerators, clothes washers, clothes dryers, freezers, and dishwashers; a possible extension to this analysis would include heaters and air-conditioners. Actual energy...
It is now universally acknowledged that climate change constitutes a major threat to human health. At the same time, some of the measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, so-called climate change mitigation measures, have significant health co-benefit
And a new study shows just how much each swap, like switching beef for chicken in stew, saves greenhouse gas emissions. Switching food and drink purchases to very similar but more environmentally friendly alternatives could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from household groceries by nearly a quarter...
by12.5%, compared with 1990. And recycling can help to achieve that goal, in two main ways: the production of recycled glass and paper uses much less energy than producing them from virgin materials, and also recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions from landfill sites andincineration plants.Q...