Intra-household exposure to labor market risk in the time of Covid-19: lessons from MexicoD10J22O15The ability to work from home can be critical during pandemics. We calculate an index that measures the possibility of working from home based on the characteristics of the pre-Covid-19 ...
Switzerland. We found that the risk of infection from exposure to a single infected household member aged ≥5 years (17.3%,13.7-21.7) was more than three-times that of extra-household exposures over the first pandemic wave (5.1%,4.5-5.8). Young children had a lower risk of infection from...
household disinfectantsBackground: Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic it has been recommended that chemical disinfectants are used to protect surfaces. This study aimed to ddoi:10.2139/ssrn.3679908Soave, Paolo MaurizioGrassi, SimoneOliva, AntonioRomanò, Bruno...
while greater use of personal and household cleansers may be associated with higher exposure to quaternary ammonium compounds and glycol ethers; and more frequent consumption of ultra-processed food could increase exposure to phthalates
[18]: food availability, encompassing factors such as crop production, livestock holdings, and access to local markets; food access, shaped by household income, employment in informal sectors, and access to credit or financial resources; vulnerability to food shortages, impacted by exposure to ...
Transmission dynamics and contact tracing assessment of COVID-19 in Chattogram, Bangladesh and potential risk of close contacts at different exposure settings. Published October 12, 2020. Accessed November 11, 2020. 39. Jing Q-L, ...
Patterns of Virus Exposure and Presumed Household Transmission among Persons with Coronavirus Disease, United States, January–A Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was fi rst identi-f i ed in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 (1). The fi rst reported case in the United States was identif i ed ...
Bank exposure–dose-1 18 plus −0.031* (0.017) Bank controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Bank FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Year–quarter FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Observations 1,492 1,492 1,492 1,492 Adjusted R-squared 0.175 0.176 0.176 0.177 Panel A reports the regression results of the effect of COVID-19...
Transmission dynamics and contact tracing assessment of COVID-19 in Chattogram, Bangladesh and potential risk of close contacts at different exposure settings. SSRN. Preprint posted online October 12, 2020. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3677863 90. Adamik B, Bawiec M, Bezborodov V, et al; ...
A decrease in the number of households with access to clean energy for cooking due to COVID-19 is also expected [47]. Informal urban settlements, which are home to over 50% of the urban SSA population [48], present a high risk of COVID-19 transmission due to high population density, ...