Measuring inequality can be challenging due to the limitations of using household income or expenditure data. Because actual energy consumption can be measured more easily and accurately and is relatively more stable, it may be a better measure of inequality. Here we use data on energy consumption...
consumption or energy e,fciency investments in our data directly,we are able to examine reported utility expenditures ,or households paying utility bills separately,rom the rent For this group,we fnd that observable di,,erences between assisted and unassisted households in mean spending on utilities...
Measuring inequality can be challenging due to the limitations of using household income or expenditure data. Because actual energy consumption can be measured more easily and accurately and is relatively more stable, it may be a better measure of inequality. Here we use data on energy consumption...
& Wei, C. Measurement of inequality using household energy consumption data in rural China. Nat. Energy 2, 795–803 (2017). Google Scholar Xie, Y. & Zhou, X. Income inequality in today’s China. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111, 6928–6933 (2014). CAS Google Scholar National ...
The data is always moving. Please indicate which year this data refers to. Jul 07, 2019 Pls can this be corrected by: Anonymous The pie chart shows how energy is utilized in an average Australian home and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from energy consumption At a glance, it ...
which may not be independent of each other. An activity may be associated with one or more end uses. This chapter compares household energy consumption in three major Asian capital cities, including Tokyo inJapan, Beijing in China, and Jakarta in Indonesia. Data were collected in 2009 via a ...
2008 - 2018 | 季 | 百万千瓦时 | Ministry of Energy 电力消耗:家庭在06-01-2018达18,339.000百万千瓦时,相较于03-01-2018的16,260.000百万千瓦时有所增长。电力消耗:家庭数据按季更新,06-01-2008至06-01-2018期间平均值为15,589.000百万千瓦时,共41份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于09-01-2017,达...
are big differences within the countries, so we assemble separate data for rural and urban areas. In the western countries, household energy consumption shows a trend toward saturation, but in the Asian countries it is likely that household energy consumption will continue to rise. In ...
Several datasets of energy consumption have been recently made available to the research community. Some well-known energy datasets are: UK-DALE, including disaggregated consumption data from five UK households11; REDD, including disaggregated consumption data from six households in New Jersey, USA12;...