I will never forget the moment I nervously stepped off the plane in Cambodia. I vividly recall the sight of malnourished (营养不良)children begging for money tearing at my heart. I saw what true poverty looked like as we went to hand food packages out at a massive garbage dump in the ci...
Even if you don’t own a stick or a hat, these things can still be handy as a place to dump your coat when you come in out of the cold. Better than chucking them on the couch, anyway. Open-Grille Fan Back in the old days, when health and safety regulations were not what they ...
Heavy metals form a collection of contaminants that have been discovered as posing a major threat to aquatic habitats and humans, even at trace levels, and are known for their toxicity and environmental durability (Masindi and Muedi2018). It is widespread knowledge in Nigeria that the bulk of ...
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are toxic pollutants produced by incomplete combustion. Household fuel combustion in rural homes is an understudied and potentially highly exposing source. We constructed a model of indoor exposure of...
As mentioned before, the driver is responsible for controlling the pump panel. For this reason, there are some basic controls on the driver's dashboard that are related to that task. Two red switches near his left hand operate a generator andjet dump. A jet dump essentially discharges all ...