新西兰 Average Annual Household Disposable Income的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 家庭平均可支配年收入 (新西兰元)98,879.0002023年2007 - 2023 家庭户数 (千单位)1,952.6002023年2007 - 2023 家庭可支配年收入中位数 (新西兰元)81,913.0002023年2007 - 2023 ...
household disposable income 读音:美英 household disposable income基本解释 家庭可支配收入 分词解释 household家庭,户 disposable一次性的,可任意处理的 income收入,进款 household disposable income是什么意思 household disposable income怎么读 household disposable income在线翻译 household disposable income中文意思 ...
澳大利亚2024-09的澳大利亚 Household Income: Gross Disposable Income是多少? 数值 前次数值 最小值 最大值 单位 频率 范围 434,756.000 2024-09 382,718.000 2024-06 2,931.000 1960-06 434,756.000 2024-09 百万澳大利亚元 季 1959-09 - 2024-09 ...
The net saving of households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) in Spain declined to 2.95 percent of household and NPISH net disposable income in 2022.
middle class population 2015, by education U.S. median household income of gay couples 2015-2022 Share of income held by the richest 1 percent in 2005, by country TopicsWage inequality in the U.S.United StatesWages and salaries in the U.S.Poverty and income in the United States...
in calculating disposable income by median monthly household expenditure. legco.gov.hk 法援局 建議以住戶每月開支中位數取代住戶 開支第35 個百分值,作為 計算可動用收入的可扣除額。 legco.gov.hk (e) the personal allowance deductible in calculating disposable income of applicants, which was currently...
basic classifications and methods of calculation for indicators on the net income of rural households used in the rural household survey, and on the disposable income of urban households used in the urban household survey, so as to ensure the consistency of income indicators in both rural and urb...
WELLINGTON, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand's average disposable household income increased 4.5 percent in the year to June 2021, supported by a number of government policies, including those in response to COVID-19 as well as a strong labor market, the country's statistics department Stats...
realforum.zkiz.com|基于3个网页 3. 家庭可支配收入 为了减轻负担的人民,特别是弱势群体,努力将采取增加家庭可支配收入(household disposable income)。尤其是在这个充 … ccliew.blogspot.com|基于 1 个网页 更多释义 例句
该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2022,达100.000%,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-2022,为100.000%。CEIC提供的家庭可支配收入数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Biroul Național de Statistică al Republici Moldova,数据归类于Global Database的摩尔多瓦 – Table MD.H003: Household Disposable Income。