house-price-prediction cleaned dataset数据集介绍 house-price-prediction cleaned dataset是一个清理过的房价预测数据集。该数据集包含了一系列房屋的特征和对应的价格信息,用于预测房屋的价格。 该数据集包含以下字段: 1. GrLivArea:地面以上的居住面积(以平方英尺为单位) 2. YearBuilt:建筑年份 3. OverallQual:...
Secondary cleaned data: dfnew.csv Data cleaning reports: dqames_cat.csv and dqames_num.csv Report: Final Report - Team 1.pdf or R files: Project_Team1-Final.Rmd and...
The raw data collected was cleaned and preprocessed into categorical, numerical, boolean, and text features. Let us first discuss how the categorical, numerical, and boolean features were treated. We applied multiple cleaning and preprocessing steps to this set of features. The most important steps...