The most common reason your plumbing pipes may be clanking together is a sudden increase in water pressure. When the pressure is elevated, it can cause stable pipes to move around, and that pressure will make your walls pop. One thing to note is that this is usually the first sign of ...
You may have wondered why houses have pipes sticking up out of the roof. They are vent pipes to relieve the pressure so that P-traps can do their jobs. It turns out that vents also break vacuums so water flows down the pipes faster. Besides covering P-traps and vent pipes, the uniform...
Pipes are freezing, despite my cranking the super-expensive baseboard electric heat, renters are still enjoying last year’s prices (oy, I started so low I cringe to think), the terrain is either too muddy, too icy or piled too high with snow, and mom is still essentially funding the ...
Triggered by motion, these electronic devices emit a high-pitched sound that is inaudible to humans but very irritating to squirrels and other rodents. These can be expensive devices but are worth a try if other methods have failed. However, some pets may be affected by the high-pitched nois...
make very year still see own work men day get here old life both between being under three never know same last another while us off might great go come since against right came take states used himself house few american use place during without high again home around small however found ...
these electronic devices emit a high-pitched sound that is inaudible to humans but very irritating to squirrels and other rodents. These can be expensive devices but are worth a try if other methods have failed. However, some pets may be affected by the high-pitched noise emitted by these de...