Also, turnover of existing houses really does not do a lot to improve the economy. It is the building of new houses that generates economic activity. And it is not just about the profits of D.R. Horton. A used house being sold does not generate more sales of lumber by International Pa...
We hike it as an out and back but if one staged a car at McDowell Regional Park it is possible to do a through hike, albeit an all day hike. As it is, our little out and back hike is approximately six miles. In the parking area we saw a very rare crested saguaro and many beaut...
While I am lucky enough that I *do* have a pretty big sense of purpose and desire to do lots of interesting things (I have a to-do list that is several lifetimes long), I still struggle with getting off the couch sometimes because as you say, there is nobody other than me who is...
The quartet (Leonard, Davidson, Casey and fantastic guitarist Greg Ahee with his Fender Telecaster Thinline) walked on to the Entry’s famous stage and proceeded to hold the rapt sold out crowd in the palms of their hands. The intensity of the performance increased as the night surged on ...
The second exception is newly built condominiums or townhouses. Whether a buyer will need a larger or smaller down payment in this situation depends on the lender’s guidelines, type of loan, property location, and proportion of units that have been pre-sold during the construction phase. Addit...
As we moved into the 1980s, popular actress Shirley MacLaine became associated with these practices because she was converted to this view. She wrote about it in both of her autobiographies,Out on a LimbandDancing in the Light. Each one of these books sold millions of copies and successfully...
purchaser through records that are kept by the manufacturer on all remote stun guns and all individual cartridges sold. (d) A training program that is offered by the manufacturer. 2. “Remote stun gun” means an electronic device that emits an electrical charge and that is designed and primari...