Republicans have attacked the large spending initiatives being sought by Democrats and have argued that is the reason they will not vote for a debt limit increase, even though it mainly finances spending they voted for during the Trump administration. (Reporting by Jason L...
Republicans have maintained control of the Senate. Democrats have taken control of the House. And seven of those most competitive races are in California –a main battleground state this year. A record number of women ran and several have made history. Here’s who won....
Murtha (D-Penn.) over the fate of the fiscal 2005 defense spending bill being considered by the House Appropriations Committee. Stand of Murtha over the request of President George W. Bush for additional funding to support the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan; Views of several Democratic ...
His fellow Republicans including House Speaker Kevin McCarthy have accused Bragg, a Democrat, of abuse of power and using his office to pursue a political agenda. McCarthy had also said he would direct House committees to determine whether federal funds have been used in ...
Sen. Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, told reporters Monday he believed the two bills poised for House action this week would garner the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster. "Notice how quiet the Republicans were when the same-sex marriage issue finally emerged during the Obama admi...
They also come to politics steeped in an era of resistance and revolt, like the tea party Republicans who rose against President Barack Obama and the so-called Watergate babies elected after President Richard Nixon. If the newcomers provide the numbers to give Democrats control of the House, or...
Calling Democrats "obstructionists" and accusing them of not caring about border security, Trump tweeted Friday that voters need to elect more Republicans. "Even if we get 100% Republican votes in the Senate, we need 10 Democrat votes to get a much needed Immigration Bill," he said. Despite...
passed the Senate in February. The Senate package has sat idle in the House for months as the speaker debated a path forward, and as he has faced threats from a small number of Republicans, who oppose sending more aid to Ukraine and want border measures, to hold a vote on dethroning ...
Still, the spate of House Republican retirements puts them ahead of their pace during the 2018 election cycle, when 34 did not run for reelection. That was the party's highest number of retirements since at least 1930. In Texas alone, five House Republicans are retiring. ...
House Democrats gathered as Republicans met in a separate closed-door confab, with Speaker Mike Johnsontouting a number of GOP talking pointsabout the forthcoming package, including increased border funding and Covid cuts. He's hoping to calm conservatives who are already angry about the last-minu...