This type of recession will lead to rising prices of real assets like precious metals and real estate just like in the Carter years (I bought my first house in the last months of the Carter administration). I’m not convinced about a return of stagflation, and a Japan-like permanent reg...
and I’d also done a pretty good job. Frankly, it was the first time I’d been exceptional at anything. Previous to being mom and chicken farmer, I’d always just done what was asked of me, laying low for the most part, rising to challenges only when I absolutely had to. (That b...
I'm just as likely to roll a 1 on a d4 as a 4. But since the 4 gives you 2 Body, that's rising the chance of a good roll over a d6 because of the fewer die faces. In other words, the fewer faces on the dice, the greater the odds of a higher body roll. And the ...