Kaggle-数据分析竞赛:House Price Prediction官网链接 参赛情况 参赛时间 2020-05 最终结果(均方根误差RMSE) 0.115 竞赛排名 前10% 项目python代码notebook https://www.kaggle.com/yzh094/my-house-p
#boxplot YearBuilt/salepricevar='YearBuilt'data=pd.concat([df_train['SalePrice'],df_train[var]],axis=1)f,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(16,8))fig=sns.boxplot(x=var,y="SalePrice",data=data,palette=sns.color_palette("hls",8))fig.axis(ymin=0,ymax=800000)plt.xticks(rotation=90)(array(...
在kaggle上找了另外一个大佬的Solution,和我的差不多,但是别人的够专业。 回归问题还是要看看label的分布是什么: sns.set_style("white")sns.set_color_codes(palette='deep')f,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(8,7))sns.distplot(train['SalePrice'],color='b')ax.xaxis.grid(False)ax.set(ylabel='Frequency'...
The housing dataset was loaded via Colab. The dataset is from Kaggle:https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/muhammadbinimran/housing-price-prediction-data(also please see housing_price_dataset.csv attached). Basic data analysis was performed to identify the shape of data, get column names, find missing...
King-County-House-Price-Prediction PROJECT OVERVIEW As a data scientist at FlyHomes, I am tasked with analyzing house sales data in the King County area to build predictive models for sale prices and identify the significant factors influencing these prices. ...
Kaggle: House Price Prediction Data Processing and Feature Extration Approchs Trial 1: Droped 'Id'. One hot encoded all none neumerical features. Replace all none neumerical features Nan with 'None' and one hot encoded them. Filled all neumerical data Nan with means of the column. Schewe...
Melbourne House Price Prediction This repo is the summary for the work of Melbourne house price prediction. Report Under report folder, contain source code for reporting. report/README.Rmd: R markdown to provide data insight of Melbourne house price data. Further report detail under report folder...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from Bengaluru House price data
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