From the scatters of GrLivArea and SalePrice,there are two outliers points at bottom right which higher GrLivArea compare to lower SalePrice . Drop those two rule challenge guys. Deleting outliers train = train.drop(train[(train['GrLivArea']>4000) & (train['SalePrice']<300000)].index) ...
However, combining it with the Lasso and XGBoost regression models resulting in a higher prediction accuracy and a lower RMSE (0.12220 vs 0.12528). 2 Introduction The dataset used for this project is the Ames Housing dataset that was compiled by Dean De Cock for use in data science education....
In our analysis, we explored the data provided by the stakeholder and build a multiple linear regression model with some the features stipulated in the dataset. From there, we analysed the results and came to a conclusion on the following factors that have a significant impact on the price of...
These data are fairly new and have so far been used in housing market research for house price prediction60 and reporting the dynamics of the rental market61,62. To measure changes to the spatial housing market structure, we use data from Idealista (, the leading...
LitQAv2TaskDataset: a task dataset designed to pull LitQA v2 from Hugging Face, and create oneGradablePaperQAEnvironmentper question Here is an example of how to use them: import os from aviary.env import TaskDataset from ldp.agent import SimpleAgent ...
(Data Citation 2). AMPds2 includes a description of the house file’s electricity use. The four distinct categories of AMPds2 data are electricity, water, natural gas, and climate [32]. In this work, the prediction analysis was conducted using the electricity dataset. for example data about...
Full size image Interestingly, none of the Hox paralogs present in spiders and scorpions were found as tandem duplicates. Instead, inP. tepidariorum, the species with the most complete assembly in this genomic region, it was clear that the entire Hox cluster had been duplicated. We found one...
If the goal is to share code then GitHub is almost certainly better. The BEST case scenario is probably to submit data for a paper via a Zenodo repo and also have an accessible and evolving dataset on GitHub... But, that might be overkill. ...
Mortgage credit risk measurement hinges on the choice of a house price stress path, which is used to project loan losses and determine financial capital re
Full size image For the HuGE Index dataset, only the house-keeping nodes in the brain and testes tissues had observed mean degree centralities significantly greater than the expected means (the observed means are located well outside the 95% confidence intervals of the model distribution) (Figure...