they often come back inside with several different types of houseplant bugs hitch-hiking on them. The day before moving houseplants back indoors, spray the entire plant – including the lower leaf surfaces and
How to Clean Almost Anything in Your Home How to Get Rid of Houseflies ASAP How to Clean Any Leather Item 6 Ways to Get Rid of Fruit Flies for Good How to Clean Walls So They Sparkle The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist 45+ Brilliant Back-to-School Organization Ideas ...
5. Spray Bottle If your houseplants are native to humid regions, then a few sprays of water on the foliage once every 3-4 days will make your plants lush and happy. You can also use it as a foliar spray or mist insecticide solution on the plant. 6. A Soft Cotton Cloth or Sponge ...
Give these houseplant pests the boot for good. By Rita Pelczar Rita Pelczar Rita Pelczar is a lifelong gardener and experienced horticulturist. She shares her enthusiasm for growing plants and environmentally responsible practices through teaching, coaching, and extensive writing. She has worked in the...
Some species of fungus gnats in larval stages feed on plant roots, which causes diminished growth in plants. Eye Gnats or Grass Flies or Eye flies: Eye gnats are known by many different names like Grass Flies, Eye Files, etc. But they all belong to the ‘Chloropidae’ family of flies....
Fungus gnats can damage plant roots and hinder their growth. Eye gnats Eye gnats, which are sometimes referred to as grass flies or eye flies, aretiny flying bugs that have a strong liking for moisture and fluidsaround the eyes, nose, and mouth of animals and people. They can be bothersom...
If a fly gets in the house, it always finds its way to the trap as soon as the lights go out. It also catches all the moths during moth season, and does a particularly good job of catching the damned little gnats that crept in a plant that I bought at a nursery that ...
5.Leavesandleafstemswithdistinctgray-brownadditionswhichmaybeovalorelongate...scales. 6.Plantswithholesinthefoliage...caterpillarsorbeetles. 7.Plantsstuntedingrowthordroopingwithoutobviouscause(stemorrootdamageevident)maggotsoffungusgnats orspringtails. Thequestionisoftenasked:Wheredidthoseinsectsonmyhouseplants...
Plant some mothballs. Mothballs target moths, cockroaches, ants, flies – and geckos! A real household panacea! Leave some under the stove, refrigerator, or sink to repel geckos. 3 Set sticky traps. Many of the insects that geckos eat are drawn to light, so, oftentimes, geckos will han...