Everyone knows the song, a warning from a man or woman returning to the place that will destroy them. Yet they cannot turn back. The tragedy of “House of the Rising Sun” lies in its inevitability. Open Culture, openculture.com
House of the Rising Sun by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark [In August of this year I’ll be publishing my rock ‘n’ roll/ coming-of-age novel, “True Love Scars,” which features a narrator who is obsessed with Bob Dylan. To read the first chapter...
Disney had his seven dwarves, Kurosawa his seven samurai. For Obayashi (with the help of his eleven-year-old daughter, Chigumi, who provided many of the story ideas), it was seven teenage damsels in distress—Carrieraised to the seventh power,Suspiriaspiraling ever upward into some psychedelic...
Lost and Found (1986) - writer (teleplay), from a published short story by Phyllis Eisenstein The World Next Door (1986) - story editor The Toys of Caliban (1986) - writer (teleplay), from an unpublished short story by Terry Matz The Road Less Travelled (1986) - writer (story and tel...
Robert Baratheon sat the Iron Throne. While there are still Baratheons to be found (and Starks and Lannisters!), the King’s Landing inHouse of the Dragonis a very different place. At this point in Westeros history, theTargaryens and their dragonsare still firmly in control of the realm....
Zechariah speaks of Jesus as “the rising sun” who “will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace” (Luke 1:79). Zechariah’s language alludes to the words of the prophet Isaiah, who spoke ...
There’s also MJ Lenderman of the Asheville, North Carolina, indie rock band Wednesday, a new collaborator. It’s hard not to cozy up to the warmth of their harmonies on “Right Back to It,” a song — like many on this album — that celebrates the privilege of cert...
The woman on the cover, a character played by Jillian McWhirter, was quite literally trapped in time, and the tagline beneath her fiery fate read: “Anything Can Happen in the Dark.” As it turned out, my little case of memory distortion was rather fitting; this movie starts off with ...
I have been a reader and a writer for 83 years of my life. At Little Falls High School, where I played football and baseball, I was sports editor for the school newspaper, “The Comet’s Tale.” At Moorhead State Teachers College, where I was co-captain of the football team and a ...
2017 Life Is Beautiful Festival To Feature Gorillaz, Chance The Rapper, Wiz Khalifa and More 'Green Day Rising: Before the Dookie Flew' Chronicles The Early Days of The Band STYX To Return With A New Album 'Mission' After 14 Years Marvel Music Releases 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2:...