The House of Wolves, known to the pre-Whirlwind Eliksni as the House of Gentle Weavers, was a Fallen House, distinguishable by their blue armor and tattered dark gray cloaks. Additionally, they were the subject of an expansion of the same...
Kingdom Of Lucerne Timeline of the Kingdom of Lucerne Houses in Lucerne House Clegane House Hale House Arryn House Jackson House Heard House Faraday House Greymane City of the Kingdom of Lucerne Stormwind Berne Forks Tree Hill Hillsbrad Hearthglen Brill Dragon Orders ...
Warning: This post covers things that happen in House of the Dragon’s source material, though I’ll try not to spoil anything past the events that should occur in season two of the show. A few times per episode, season two of House of the Dragon takes a break from its main narrative...
We got some of it; although I wanted to see her claim Vhagar, having Blondell’s Laena speak proudly of it to her daughter and then telling Daemon she wants to die like a dragonrider worked wonderfully as a salve for that absence. Still, it’s a shame we’ll never get to see her...
由乔治·R·R·马丁创作的奇幻系列小说《冰与火之歌》和其改编美剧《权力的游戏》拥有大量衍生周边。 Funko 详情请阅读:衍生周边/Funko Funko是电视剧《权力的游戏》周边之一。该品牌始创于1998年,是一家以生产搪胶玩偶和摇头娃娃为主的玩具商,因与多个知名IP合作而成名。Funko旗下有多个不同类型的玩具生产线,包...
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