英文片名:HOUSE OF THE DRAGON SEASON 2-1隨著綠黨的國王伊耿二世坐上鐵王座,原本的王位繼承人、黑黨女王雷妮拉卻只能在龍石島面臨喪子之痛,讓這場勢必引起腥風血雨的王國內戰引線正式被點燃,一山不容二虎的情勢也說明坦格利安家族正式分裂成兩派。身為暫時勝利者的綠黨與屈居下風的黑黨,都在醞釀要如何消滅對方...
This is a spoiler-free review of Season 2, Episodes 1 and 2 of House of the Dragon; read on after the main review for thoughts on Episodes 3 and 4. Season 2 premieres on HBO and Max at 9pm ET on Sunday, June 16. Reviews of new episodes will post Sunday nights through August 4....
causing the stillbirth and monstrous appearance. Daenerys is appalled by the lifelessness of Drogo and smothers him with a pillow, when she accepts that he will never return to her. She constructs a funeral pyre for his body. She places her dragon eggs on it and ties Duur to the Drogo'...
权力的游戏前传:龙族(House of the Dragon Season 1)第1集 发布权力的游戏前传:龙族(House of the Dragon Season 1)第1集 剧情介绍:HBO一口气预订了10集《龙族》,剧集将根据乔治·马丁小说《火与血》进行改编,该小说时间背景设置在《权力的游戏》时间线前200年,聚
House of the Dragon Season 2, Episode 1 – "A Son for a Son," reviewed by Helen O'Hara. Narrated by Alan Wheeler.Aside from that one shocking murder – perhaps thankfully less shocking than it might have been visually – this is a period of
英文片名:HOUSE OF THE DRAGON SEASON 1-2火將統治天下 【龍族前傳】背景設定在【冰與火之歌:權力遊戲】的兩百多年前。當時坦格利安家族統治著七大王國,面臨家族內鬥一觸即發。在兒子出世以前,韋賽里斯國王宣布女兒為繼承人,震撼了整個王國。然而健康的男嬰產下之後,王子支持者便逐步計畫讓公主永遠坐不上鐵王座。
权力的游戏前传龙族houseofthedragonseason第一季 2022/美剧/奇幻 剧情 主演:瑞斯·伊凡斯比尔·帕特森帕迪·康斯戴恩格拉汉姆·麦克泰维什奥利维亚·库克伊芙·贝斯特Matt Smith水野索诺娅杰佛逊·豪尔马修·尼达姆米莉·阿尔柯克瑞安·柯尔史蒂夫·图森特加文·斯派克艾玛·达西法比安·弗兰克尔艾米...
the-salt-lake-city-baseball-park-environment-from-the-last-of-us-WETAFX 379 -- 3:48 App mpc-halo-season-2-vfx-breakdown-1080-ytshorts.savetube.me 187 -- 2:49 App monarch-legacy-of-monsters-vfx-breakdown-by-rodeo-fx-1080-ytshorts.savetube.me 123 -- 2:59 App behind-the-scenes-of...
How to watch and stream full episodes of Game of Thrones spinoff prequel House of the Dragon season 2 in the UK and US via HBO, Max, Sky Atlantic and NOW.