"The HBOners" House of the Dragon: "The Green Council" (Podcast Episode 2022) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
House of the Dragon: Created by Ryan J. Condal, George R.R. Martin. With Matt Smith, Fabien Frankel, Steve Toussaint, Emma D'Arcy. An internal succession war within House Targaryen at the height of its power, 172 years before the birth of Daenerys Targar
Read more:Plot summary|Synopsis Director David DeCoteau Writers Simon Savory(screenplay)|Edgar Allan Poe(short story "The Fall of the House of Usher") Producers Paul Colichman|David DeCoteau|Stephen P. Jarchow|John Schouweiler Composer
The Loud House: Directed by Dave Needham. With Asher Bishop, David Tennant, Michelle Gomez, Jill Talley. With his parents and all 10 sisters in tow, Lincoln Loud heads to Scotland and learns that royalty runs in the family in this global musical journey.
Read more:Plot summary|Synopsis Directors Hajime Kamegaki|Toshihiko Masuda Writers Kiyoko Yoshimura(script)|Hirokazu Yasuhara(original concept) (as Sonic Team)|Naoto Ohshima(original concept) (as Sonic Team)|Yuji Naka(original concept) (as Sonic Team)&4 more ...
An extended plot synopsis has been released explaining a little more about the project which stars Ed Speleers ('Downton Abbey') and Shauna Macdonald ('The Descent'). Hyett helms from a script by Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby. Check out the full breakdown below plus the previously unveiled...
"Through the Looking Glass Ruins" "Eda's Requiem" "Hunting Palismen" is the sixth episode of the second season of The Owl House, and the twenty-fifth episode overall. It premiered on July 17, 2021. Contents 1 Synopsis 2 Plot 3 Cast 3.1 Additional voices 3.2 Non-speaking cameo 3.3...
A new 'Game of Thrones' prequel, 'House of the Dragon,' is heading to HBO. The show will explore the history of House Targaryen.
A teaser trailer for “House of the Dragon” debuted in October 2021 featuring close-ups of the ensemble cast. While HBO has kept the plot (and release date) under wraps, the official synopsis reads: “‘House of the Dragon’ is set 200 years before the events of ‘Game of Thrones’ ...
House of the Dragon Matt Smith in first look at new father/son drama Matt Smith has radical hair change for new film House of the Dragon boss warns of "toxic" changes Martin will reveal what's "gone wrong" with HOTD Matt Smith lands next movie role in crime thriller ...