Taking place about 172 years before the events of Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon tells the tale of the rise of the Targaryens, the only family of dragonlords to survive the Doom of Valyria. The popular HBO spinoff show first starred Milly Alcock and Emily Carey as Rhaenyra Targarye...
King Viserys and Princess Rhaenyra sail to Driftmark to arrange the princess's marriage to Ser Laenor Velaryon, the son of Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, thus uniting the Targaryens and Velaryon Houses. Knowing Laenor is gay, Rhaenyra says that, once married, they can perform their ...
"Condensed Histories" House Of The Dragon (Podcast Episode 2022) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
House of the Dragon Season 2 Premiere Title and Plot Details Reportedly Revealed The reported title of the first episode of the second season of House of the Dragon teases the outbreak of the war between Targaryens. By Maca Reynolds Sep 17, 2023 TV News House of the Dragon Season 2 ...
"OCC Patreon" House of the Dragon S2E1 Hotline Calls (Podcast Episode 2024) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
"House of the Dragon" The Red Dragon and the Gold (TV Episode 2024) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
But one moment, in particular, stands out as it spoils what will be a major death in House of the Dragon. This spoiler comes from Joffrey Baratheon (Jack Gleeson) because, of course, he would be that cruel. In Season 3, Episode 4, "And Now His Watch Is Ended," he shows Margaery ...
Learn about Edgar Allen Poe's short story, The Fall of the House of Usher, through a comprehensive summary, analysis of the story, and theme review.
Goku's house was introduced in the very first episode of Dragon Ball Z. However, it was not officially introduced in the Dragon Ball manga until the middle of the Frieza Saga. As such, the anime's design of the house was initially different from the manga's design (though still similar...
House of the Dragonwill have a smaller episode count with eight episodes compared to season 1's 10-episode run (viaTV Line).It is suggested this decision is made for creative reasons rather than financial ones which is promising despite fans getting fewer episodes. However, along with this up...