House of the Dragon《龙之家族(2022)》第二季第三集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 血色播种 TheRedSowing 第二季第七集 我是七大王国的女王 YoustandbeforetheQueenoftheSevenKingdoms 你竟敢带着坦格利安家族的龙来我面前 withadragonofHouseTargaryen! 这非我本意 ...
A still from the series 'House of the Dragon' (@hbo) With House Targaryen's civil war imminent, the rest of the houses in Westeros must choose their sides and back either Aegon or Rhaenyra's claim to the throne. In the patriarchal world, there is a tendency for all the houses ...
House of the Dragon《龙之家族(2022)》第二季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,血色播种 The Red Sowing 第二季 第七集 我是七大王国的女王 You stand before the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms 你竟敢带着坦格利安家族的龙来我面前 with a dragon of House Targaryen!
House of the Dragon《龙之家族(2022)》第二季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,平民 Smallfolk 第二季 第六集 金牙城很荣幸招待您 兰尼斯特大人 The Golden Tooth is honored to receive you, my Lord Lannister. 杰森 兰尼斯特 凯岩城公爵 泰兰的孪生哥哥 我有五百人 全
House of the Dragon《龙之家族(2022)》第二季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,龙之家族 第二季第一集 责任即牺牲 Duty is sacrifice. 在其面前 万事隐褪 It eclipses all things, 血脉亦然 even blood. 追求荣誉必须付出代价 All men of honor must pay its price. 北
House of the Dragon Targaryen Crest Goblet $62.95 House of the Dragon: Light-Up Dragon Egg With Book Included $15.95 SHOP ALL DANCE WITH DRAGONS Shop the dragons collection. SHOP NOW WESTEROS AWAITS Great Houses, great moments, great heroes and villains—bring them all home with our Game of...
House of the Dragon《龙之家族(2022)》第二季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 龙之家族 第二季第三集 伊伦布雷肯咱们中最差的骑手却头一个受封为骑士 AeronBracken,worsthorsemanamongus. 肯定是我剑术精湛 Mustbemyswordsmanship. 你举得起那玩意吗 ...
we all know that in this several potent houses will provide a backup to both teams, but rare enthusiasts may know that there will be several other fighters whom we will get to meet in House of the Dragon season 2. One of them is a dark-skinned woman named Nettles and here, we talk ...
of an army moving northwest, I believe. 她想 She believes. 你应该当机立断 烧死他们 You should've burned them when you had the chance. 或许你行 阿尔佛雷德爵士 下回你骑着龙找他们 Perhaps you can, Ser Alfred when you next sight them on your dragon. 我们能知道这些 全靠贝妮拉的...
House of the Dragon will see the Targaryens in control of 17 dragons. Here's who they are and which ones we saw during season one.