legislatures are the House of Representatives of the United States (US) Congress, the House of Representatives of the Parliament [...] legco.gov.hk 選定的立法機關是美國國會眾議院 、澳洲 國 會眾 議院 、英國 國會下議院和加拿大國會眾議院。 legco.gov.hk 1.3.3 Like the House of Represent...
proper (US) The House of Representatives, "the House". proper More generally, a shortened name for any chamber of a legislature that is named "House of...", especially where the other chamber(s) are not so named (as in Australia or Canada), or where there is no other chamber (as...
House of Representatives House of Rose House of Roses House of the People House of the Rose House of the Roses house of water house of worship House of York House on the hill House overlooking the river house party house poor 将...
election by the party or coalition which can command a majority of the votes in the House of Representatives; that is, the party or coalition which has the largest number of MPs. legco.gov.hk 8.3 選舉後,政府由可在眾議院贏取多數 票 的 政黨或 政 黨 聯盟組成,即由佔國會最多議席的政黨或...
Fortunately, as Congressman Markey noted, even if the bill is passed by the House of Representatives, it has little chance of passing in the Democrat-controlled Senate, and if it were to pass there, President Obama would almost certainly veto this legislation. Nevertheless, the mere existence of...
He is one of the nicest, hardest working representatives in the house, but this will be a very very tough seat for Republicans to hold. It should probably already be a lean Democrat but some faith has to be placed in Rep. Matthiesen because of his 2016 win. Brown is a good candidate ...
(61). A total of around 220 mammals were trapped each in 2009 and 2011, while around 100 animals were trapped in each 2010 and 2012. In total, small mammal communities in all three camps consisted of no more than four members of the order Rodentia and two representatives of the order ...
Mr. and Mrs. Giichiro Mitani, manager and housemother of the new Manhattan Hostel for Japanese Americans, 58 East 102nd Street, New York City, are shown with three representatives of the Unitarian Service Committee and the Community Church of New York, spo ...
Arthur Harris’ death was the result of inaction by representatives of the government of the District of Columbia, the federal judiciary, the medical profession, advocacy groups and law enforcement. The city was warned repeatedly over a 15-year period about the abuse and neglect of patients at ...
speaks as the House of Representatives debates the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, on Dec. 18, 2019. | House Television via AP Nov 2023 Top House Republican suggests impeachment inquiry vote is coming Majority Whip Tom Emmer made the ...