'House of Lords'指的是英国议会的上议院。 House of Lords的定义和历史背景 House of Lords的定义 House of Lords,直译为上议院,是英国议会(United Kingdom Parliament)的重要组成部分,与下议院(House of Commons)共同构成英国的立法机构。上议院又被称为贵族院(House of Peers)...
The House of Lords is the upper chamber of the two houses in the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Members of the House of Lords...
Define The House of Lords. The House of Lords synonyms, The House of Lords pronunciation, The House of Lords translation, English dictionary definition of The House of Lords. n. Abbr. HL The upper house of Parliament in the United Kingdom, made up of mem
The United Kingdom is no exception. It faces numerous serious challenges that could threaten the viability of British society and could even threaten the continued inhabitation of the British Isles. Global climate change may lead to the ravaging of the coasts through a combination of more numerous...
上议院:the House of Lords 下议院:the House of Commons 参议院:the House of Councilors 众议院:the House of Representatives 英国议会:the Parliament of the United Kingdom 美国国会:U.S. Congress / Congress,United States
英国国会(The Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)是英国和英国海外领土(独自享有议会主权,Parliamentary sovereignty)的最高立法机关。英国国会的首领为英国君主;它还包括上议院(The House of Lords)和下议院(The House of Commons)。上议院议员分为两种:上议院神职议员(Lords...
Today, the two houses of Parliament—the House of Lords and the House of Commons—meet in the Palace of Westminster in London, and are the only body in the United Kingdom’s constitutional monarchy government with the authority to create legislation and make laws. ...
the_House_of_Lords批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 . What kind of institution is the House of Lords? What role does it play in British government? The House of Lords is the Upper House of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and is commonly referred to as “the Lords”. As ...
英国议会下议院(House of Commons of the United Kingdom),又称为下院、平民院或庶民院是英国国会的下院。英国国会由三大部分组成,它们分别是君主、作为上院的上议院,以及下议院,当中又以下议院最具影响力。下议院是一个通过民主选举产生的机构,里面共有650名成员,称为国会议员,常用的英文简写则是“MP...