The House of Lords also acts in a legal capacity as the highest court of appeal in Britain. A. 正确 B. 错误 如何将EXCEL生成题库手机刷题 > 下载刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑 > 手机使用 分享 反馈 收藏 举报 参考答案: A 复制 纠错 举一反三 下列关于总分类账户和明细分类账户平行登记的要点正确...
Related to British House of Lords:Lords Spiritual and Temporal </>embed</> peer of the r... British Parli... house House of Lords British Ho... noun Synonyms for British House of Lords nounthe upper house of the British parliament ...
Interpretation of the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act by the House of Lords; Role of comparators in assessing unfavorable treatment of employees on the basis of sexual orientation; Rulings of the House of Lord on liabilities of employers for failing to protect its staff from discriminatory acts. INSET...
Lord Chancellor - the highest officer of the Crown who is head of the judiciary and who presides in the House of Lords Lord High Chancellor Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying...
and the Lords Temporal, which refers to those lords who either have inherited the seat from their forefathers or they have been appointed. The lords mainly represent themselves instead of the 上议院包括阁下精神,是大主教和英国的教会多数著名主教; 并且阁下世俗,提到那些阁下继承了位子从他们的祖先或他...
It is because He wears a vesture dipped in blood, that ‘on the vesture is the name written “King of kings, and Lord of lords.”‘ It is ‘because He shall deliver the needy when he crieth,’ as the prophetic psalm has it, that ‘all kings shall fall down before Him and all nat...
Protectorate Partopian Alliance ODP NOIR NAP League of Small Superpowers Grey Council & United Sovereign States - The Triumvirate Treaty This document, henceforth known as The Great Charter of The House of Lords, covers information on the establishment,
The Government constantly needs grants of taxation (the annual budget is about £250billion). Because of the effect of the Parliament Acts 1911-49 and convention, the House of Common is of far greater importance in these matters than the House of Lords. But, as with the first function, ...
The Act of 1976 aimed to provide a statutory definition of rape following the House of Lords decision in Reg. v. Morgan [1976] AC 182, though it did not offer a comprehensive definition of the offense. The assertion that the law crystallized in 1976 contradicts the interpretation that "unl...
aSeveral Acts of Parliament then followed. The Act in Conditional Restraint of Annates, which proposed that the clergy should pay no more than 5% of their first year's revenue (annates) to Rome proved at first controversial, and required Henry's presence in the House of Lords three times ...