1. 众议院司法委员会 众议院司法委员会(House Judiciary Committee)主席、SOPA的发起者拉马尔史密斯(Lamar Smith)表示:“哗众取宠式的 … tech.qq.com|基于61个网页 2. 美国众议院司法委员会 美国众议院司法委员会(House Judiciary Committee)主席拉玛尔-史密斯(Lamar Smith)则在昨天写给联邦监管机构的信中表示, … ...
The resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt passed by a vote of 216 to 207, with all but one Republican voting in favor. Jun 12, 2024 Hunter Biden tells Congress his father was not involved in business dealings ...
House Judiciary Committee seeks to enforce subpoenas against 2 White House officialsPETE YOST
The House Judiciary Committee formally received the impeachment report from three other panels as the House continues to ramp up its investigation into President Trump. The House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight committees officially sent the judiciary panel their impeachment report, along with...
House Judiciary Committee Democrats on Friday introduced a bill that would ensure presidents can be held accountable for alleged criminal conduct -- a direct swipe at the White House amid the heated battle over Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report. ...
What is the House Armed Services Committee? What is the Joint Committee on the Judiciary? What is the Energy and Commerce Committee? What is a Conference Committee? What is a Senate Committee? Discussion Comments Share WiseGeek, in your inbox ...
On March 12, the House Judiciary Committee approved a bill to reform the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). The bill, H.R. 400 would convert the PTO to a wholly-owned government corporation and would require the office to publish patent applications within 18 months of the date they are ...
Presents a speech delivered by House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner before the U.S. Judicial Conference on March 16, 2004. Impact of the PROTECT Act passed by Congress in 2003; Discussion on the Judiciary Committee's oversight of the Chief Judge of th...
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler issued a subpoena to Hope Hicks, President Donald Trump's former communications director, on Tuesday. The House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday issued subpoenas to officials who worked for President Donald Trump and former White House counsel Don ...
Committee on the Judiciary 10:00 amH.R. 231 Rep. Hageman Colorado River Basin System Conservation Extension Act of 2025;H.R. 249 Rep. Pallone To redesignate certain facilities at Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park in honor of Congressman Bill Pascrell Jr.;H.R. 302 Rep. Maloy Wat...