House of the Dragonchronicles the Dance of the Dragons, a devastating civil war that broke out within House Targaryen over succession. Nine episodes in and the characters of the series are now on the precipice of all-out war, as —spoiler warning for those who aren't caught up— Hand of ...
Olivia Cooke as Alicent Hightower and Emma D'Arcy as Rhaenyra Targaryen in House of the Dragons.By Ollie Upton/HBO. King Viserys might be dead, but interest in House of the Dragon remains strong. So strong, in fact, that the season finale of the Game of Thrones spin-off has l...
To the Tune of ShuiDiaoGeTou Swimming Mao Zedong I have just drunk the waters of Changsha And come to eat the fish of Wuchang. Now I am swimming across the great Yangtze, Looking afar to the open sky of Chu. Let the wind blow and waves beat, Better far than idly strolling in a co...