House of Commons house- an official assembly having legislative powers; "a bicameral legislature has two houses" British Parliament- the British legislative body Member of Parliament,Parliamentarian- an elected member of the British Parliament: a member of the House of Commons ...
During the meeting, the two sides covered means of enhancing relations in a number of fields and exchange of visits and expertise between the State Council in the Sultanate and the House of Councilors in the Kingdom of Morocco. The President of House of Councilors in the Kingdom of Morocco...
The expense of the Royal Visits was enormous as the Royal Retinues regularly comprised up to 2,000 persons. The 4thMarquess of Winchester is said to have pulled down part of the house to reduce its attraction to his sovereign and was forced to sell estates to meet the substantial debts he...
in words with wisdom, in deed with courage, and always in service. In these qualities is greatness. These qualities I have in mind when I present to the Senate and the House of Commons the President of
3 WorkingPracticesandInnovation 16Publ icationof evidenceontheinternet 16Evidencetakeninprivate 16Inwardvisits 16Outwardvisits 16Petitions 17Special istAdvisers 18 4 Departmental Responses 19 5 LookingAhead 20 Annex1:CoreTasks Fulfi l led 21 Annex2:Sessional Information 22 ...
Significant differences in the adhesion to buccal epithelial cells (BECs) during sequential visits were observed for all genetic isotypes in five of the seven individuals and three isotypes belonging to the sixth individual, A single isotype of patient HK1 and another of HK4 (genotype I) ...
Nancy Astor (May 19, 1879–May 2, 1964) was the first woman to take a seat in the British House of Commons. A society hostess, she was known for her sharp wit and social commentary. Fast Facts: Nancy Astor Known For: Social critic and first woman seated in the British House of Comm...
further supports this argument when in April 1973 he described the movement as “a very responsible body” during a speech to the House of Commons.Footnote68However, recognition by government didn’t equate to the NFWI acting as an agent of the state or compromise the organisation’s willingnes...
CHAPTER 6 "House of Sorrow": The Collegno Asylum in 1928–1931 Abstract This chapter concentrates on the Collegno asylum where G. was interned. It brings evidence to show how psychiatric institutions had become a place of detention for "deviants" and those who had committed actions...
Peak District Information: Chatsworth House and Park: The Daily Mail: "Charming Chatsworth: Derbyshire's Grand Dame of a Stately Home Shines Forth After a Glamorous ... Overhaul" (March 2010):