餐馆restaurant 6. [c] 餐馆;餐厅a restaurant 议院parliament 7. [c] 议院;议会;国会a group of people who meet to discuss and make the laws of a country 8. [sing] (英国)下议院,上议院;(美国)众议院the House of Commons or the House of Lords in Britain; the House of Representatives in ...
a bill approved by both houses of Congress often used in capitalized form as the shortened name of a specific house The bill passed in both the House and the Senate. MPs have voted overwhelmingly in favour of the Government's Brexit Bill in the House of Commons. … The House voted ...
二屋民宿所在区域是科曼加拉,附近有很多人气餐厅在此营业,例如House of Commons、House of Commons和House of Commons。 二屋民宿靠近哪些著名自然景点? 二屋民宿位于科曼加拉内,交通便利,靠近包括班尼格哈塔国家公园在内的自然景观。 离二屋民宿最近的机场是什么机场?
The meaning of HOUSE is a building that serves as living quarters for one or a few families : home. How to use house in a sentence.
餐馆;餐厅a restaurant 议院parliament 7. [c] 议院;议会;国会a group of people who meet to discuss and make the laws of a country 8. [sing] (英国)下议院,上议院;(美国)众议院the House of Commons or the House of Lords in Britain; the House of Representatives in the US ...
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the inmates of a house collectively; a household or family; an assembly of legislative or deliberative persons; the members of a family, including ancestors and descendants. See also assembly. Examples: House of Commons, 1548; of congregation [Oxford], 1831; of convocation, 1705; of David, 13...
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Hyatt House Richmond /short Pump周围有许多购物地标,包括Virginia Center Commons购物中心、Crossroads艺术中心、Southern Season精品店、RVA古董店、Tweed时装店、短泵镇中心以及West End古董商城。您可以在这些地方尽情购物,寻找独特的艺术品、品尝美食,或者找到独特的时尚单品。无论您是购物爱好者还是寻找独特礼品的人,...
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