下议院领袖(Leader of the House of Commons),乃英国内阁阁员,负责安排政府下院事务。此职位过往由首相兼任,但近 … zh.wikipedia.org|基于62个网页 2. 出掌下议院领袖 但是,坎宁却希望同时出掌下议院领袖(Leader of the House of Commons)一职,又不愿和卡斯尔雷共仕政府,所以拒绝了 … ...
Since 1990, almost all cabinet ministers, save for three whose offices are an intrinsic part of the House of Lords, have belonged to the Commons. Few majorcabinetpositions (exceptLord Privy Seal,Lord ChancellorandLeader of the House of Lords) have been filled by a peer in recent times. Nota...
Tag Archives:Leader of the House of Commons A new parliament in an old palace: where next for the Restoration and Renewal programme? Posted onOctober 24, 2024byThe Constitution Unit Following the general election, an unusually large number of MPs entered parliament for the first time, but the...
Noun1.House of Commons- the lower house of the British parliament British House of Commons house- an official assembly having legislative powers; "a bicameral legislature has two houses" British Parliament- the British legislative body Member of Parliament,Parliamentarian- an elected member of the Br...
leader of the party or group commanding a majority of the House of Commons to form a government, and senior civil servants are allowed to have preelection [...] legco.gov.hk 舉例而言,按照慣例, 女皇必須邀請在下議院中取得多 數議席 的政 黨或團體的領袖籌組政 府,而在選舉前,高級公務員...
下議院執政黨首席議員是将“Leader of the Government in the House of Commons"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:After a brief period of Conservative minority government, the Earl of Aberdeen became Prime Minister in a coalition government of Whigs and Peelites (with Russell taking the role of Foreign ...
英国的议会分为上议院(British House of Lords)与下议院(British House of Commons)。上议院始创于14世纪,并几乎存续至今。上议院的权力曾一度凌驾由选举产生的下议院。然而,自19世纪以来,上议院的权势逐渐变弱,如今已远不如由选举产生的下议院。下议院拥有立法、财政和监督权,是议会的权力中心。上议院...
Synonyms for Leader of the House in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Leader of the House. 86 synonyms for leader: principal, president, head, chief, boss, director, manager, chairman, captain, chair, premier, governor, commander, superior, ruler... What are
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From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishˌLeader of the ˈHouse, theamemberof the UK government who isresponsiblefororganizingthe work of theBritishParliament. There are two Leaders of the House, one for the House ofCommonsand one for the House of Lords. ...