While House of Brands and Branded House are the two most common brand architectures, there are certainly hybrid companies out there. Most often, they are big businesses with a lot of brand cache and long histories of maintaining trust with consumers. Prime examples are Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Eac...
Synergy.The brand structure should allow the organization to deliver against a larger brand promise than any single brand could achieve. Key question: Have we created strategic linkage to provide incremental value (i.e., the idea of 1 + 1 = 3; Honda adds to Accord, Accord adds to Honda)?
He was there on behalf of the national drugstore chain Walgreens to ensure that the factory, which made the company’s house brand of beef jerky, was safe and free of labor abuses. FromNew York Times A major producer, Darigold also supplies McDonald’s and Nestlé and processes Safeway’...
the inmates of a house collectively; a household or family; an assembly of legislative or deliberative persons; the members of a family, including ancestors and descendants. See also assembly. Examples: House of Commons, 1548; of congregation [Oxford], 1831; of convocation, 1705; of David, 13...
House,the body itself, especially of a bicameral legislature: the House of Representatives. a quorum of such a body. (often initial capital letter)a commercial establishment; business firm: the House of Rothschild; a publishing house. a gambling casino. ...
of, relating to, or noting a house. for or suitable for a house: house paint. served by a restaurant as its customary brand: the house wine. of or being a product made by or for a specific retailer and often sold under the store's own label: You'll save money on the radio if ...
Plus, Content House Examples: What Is a Content House? A content house is a space for creators andinfluencersto come together and collaborate. They're sometimes called "creator houses" or "influencer houses," but they all have certain similarities. Mostly, they have lots of space, a pool,...
Shalva Chikhladze: Among the seven main directions of the Business House, which one has seen the most growth or success since the organization's founding? Can you share some specific examples of successful import or export initiatives facilitated by the Business House?尚可:据我所知,商务馆...
In 2017, two US sport brand companies, Under Armour and New Balance, won trademark infringement cases in China. These victories demonstrated a potential turning point in Chinese trademark law and the protection of foreign company marks. The country has long been plagued with rampant counterfeiting ...