House of 1000 Corpses: Directed by Rob Zombie. With Chad Bannon, William Bassett, Karen Black, Erin Daniels. Two young couples traveling across the backwoods of Texas searching for urban legends of murder end up as prisoners of a bizarre and sadistic bac
Cost of a thousand garments trodden thus, (Had once the oracle such gift required) Contriving ransom for thy life preserved. For while the stock is firm the foliage climbs, Spreading a shade what time the dog-star glows; And thou, returning to thine hearth and home, Art as a genial ...
Death House has put all its remaining energy to afflict its prey with a powerful phantasmal force spell (no saving throws required). The balcony has grown into a cliff that drops to a thousand feet below (an eerily accurate representation of the Tser Falls of Barovia). Only with c...
The first coming of chaos. Twelve thousand years ago, members of a more advanced race crossed into our dimension when the barriers temporarily collapsed. Trapped in our world, the aliens, who were also shifters, built structures that eventually caused the great flood and the sinking of Atlantis...
They are a thousand-thousand living in the shadow of the Red Keep 被遗忘太久了 and forgotten for too long. 你认为他们会转而支持我? And you think they will turn to me. 对于心生不满的人 谣言就是食粮 To the discontented, rumors are feed. 陛下 Your Grace. 您不能做的事情 就让别人为您...
Theyareathousand-thousandlivingintheshadowoftheRedKeep 被遗忘太久了 andforgottenfortoolong. 你认为他们会转而支持我? Andyouthinktheywillturntome. 对于心生不满的人谣言就是食粮 Tothediscontented,rumorsarefeed. 陛下 YourGrace. 您不能做的事情就让别人为您代劳吧 Whatyoucannotdo,letothersdoforyou. 战斗...
Lake Crescent is nestled in a glacial valley south of the Strait of Juan de Fuca on the northern end of theOlympic Peninsula. Four-thousand-foot peaks rise on either side, as if to guard it—and maybe they are. The native Klallam and Quileute people tell a story of a once-be...
Fifty-four, fifty-five thousand people have died because… 贪婪 of greed. 家族晚餐 - 所有人吗? Family dinner. - All of them? 带上配偶 Spouses too. 不 今天让我心情不愉快 No, this is not a joyful day for me. 我希望厄舍家族的人 I wish that individuals like the Ushers 会为他们给他人...
Five corpses missing! 他们都曾是那项药物试验的参与者 All people who were part of that drug trial. 尸体就那么凭空不见了 Bodies vanished into thin air. 我不喜欢你 我跟你的同胞有过节 I dont like you. Ive had issues with you people in the past. 你的同胞? You people? 办公室绝大部分的...