language expresses the basic meaning the color word: “Red orange yellow malachite green bluish violet” happen to (target language) uses for with English to describe the rainbow the basic color word to be consistent, therefore the author used to translate literally the law.In addition E[...
aIn one day .I forget all the things in addition to you .only Remember you. 在一天。我忘记所有事除您之外.only记住您。[translate] asuccessful completion of level 112 of the ELS Language Program ELS语言节目的第112的成功的完成级[translate] ...
1.House name/ number的意思就是:家庭地址门牌号,也就是填你家里的门牌号就行了,一般直邮中国才有这个选项,比如303、4-15-101类似这样的 2.House Name/Number这里可以用电话号码代替,建议也可以简单写一下门牌号,再添加上电话号码,不过有的网站这一栏会有字数限制。 3.有的小伙伴可能在填写别的选项的时候也...
He lives with an aunt who keepshousefor him. 他和一位帮他料理家务的姑妈住在一起。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 It's really an amazing dance. It just always brings thehousedown. 这真是一段精彩绝伦的舞蹈表演,每次总是博得全场喝彩。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...
不过要注意的有几点:1)以ITC hotel的门牌号1945-4为例,荷兰的house number是4,addition反而是1945,这是挺奇怪的,如果是115a这种,就直接按照网页提示,先115再a就好了。如果这个地方有问题被卡住(我就卡了好长时间,才想到换个空填试一试),就多换一换。2)收验证码好像是默认给你打电话,我记得网页收验证码可以...
Next you will find a good builder, and together with the builder you will work out a plan. The builder will draw the plan. It will show the number of rooms, their position and size, and other parts, which must be noticed, such as windows, doors, and electric outlets. The builder ...
belonging to a memberof thediplomatic staffof theLiaison Office, was vandalized by two unidentified perpetrators, who damagedthe rearnumber plate. 2008年9月9日,一辆属于联络处外交人员的奥迪 80(希腊车牌号 KNA-8503) 遭不明身份者的破坏,后车牌被损坏。
In-housestudieshaveshown that the number of employees over 50 in Germany will double between 2006 and 2017 – from 22 to 44 percent. 据内部调查显示,2006年至2017年期间,德国境内50周岁以上的员工人数占员工总数的比例将翻一番, 从22%上升至44%。
aAPIQR registeration number APIQR registeration数字[translate] aV Neck Shirt v脖子衬衣[translate] a在未来,机器人会帮我们 In the future, the robot will be able to help us[translate] a到时候电话联系我 When the time comes telebrief I[translate] ...