“We wanted somewhere for my 93-year-old mum to live in the future, with the versatility of being able to use it for short-term accommodation or for family and friends, that was reasonable in cost and could be done quickly without major disturbance to our gardens and neighbors” says Jeff...
(a) (b) (c) FFigiguurere6.6.CoCmopmapriasroinsoonf omf emaseuarseudreadndansdimsuimlauteldatevdaluveasluienssiunmsmumerm: (ear): In(ad)oIonrdtoeomrpteermatpuerrea; t(ubr)e; R(ebl)atRiveelahtiuvme hiduimtyi;d(ict)yH; (acl)lHteamllpteemraptuerrea.ture. The weather station data ...
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